Monday, June 17, 2013

The Magic Of Winter...

As winter closes in, we're re-visiting some of our best photos

Winter is a magic time on Kangaroo Island and the Fluerieu Peninsula, but wet and windy conditions do restrict our opportunities to get out and about with our cameras - not to mention the 'wings and wildlife' we like to photograph stay out of the bad weather too!

So we're taking the opportunity to look back at what we believe to be our best photos - and each week we'll be posting one of our photos we're particularly proud of, here on our blog page.
Superb Fairy-wren (female)

To start off, we were very happy with this shot of this little female Superb Fairy-wren Malurus cyaneus, which we managed to photograph at Vivonne Bay on Kangaroo Island.....

Our book 'Vivonne Bay Blue' captures the personalities of these dear little birds and is available from selected outlets on Kangaroo Island and the Fleruieu Peninsula.

Canon EOS 50D
Sigma 150-500mm lens

Come back again next week for another photo - or visit our website for more details!


  1. What a beautiful photo of a female Superb blue wren.
    Will have to get one of your books of Vivonne Bay Blue and a must for your stunning DVD, Wings Above-Island Below.
    Well done with your new Website.
    Katherine Trowbridge

  2. Again thank you for your comments and yes the book and DVD are an asset for Kangaroo Island and a keepsake for the visitor!
    Cheers Colin & Gillian
