Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A Bird's Soul .........

Time To Reflect

On these wet and wintry days when photography is less active it gives me time to reflect and view my photos that I have acquired while looking through the camera lens into the private lives of my subjects.

The subject in this photo is of a female Australian White-backed Magpie  Gymnorhina tibicen (race: telonocua) photographed at American River - Kangaroo Island 2010 and if every picture tells a story, then this one certainly does!

Do you ne'er think what wondrous beings these?
Do you ne'er think who made them, and who taught
The dialect they speak, where melodies
Alone are the interpreters of thought?
Whose household words are songs in many keys,
Sweeter than the instrument of man e'er caught!
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Canon EOS 7D
Sigma 150-500mm lens

Please come back and visit:


  1. A great photo Gillian! Birds really have their own personality, don't they?

    Longfellow went on to say...

    Think, every morning when the sun peeps through
    The dim, leaf-latticed windows of the grove,
    How jubilant the happy birds renew
    Their old, melodious madrigals of love!
    And when you think of this, remember too
    'T is always morning somewhere, and above
    The awakening continents; from shore to shore,
    Somewhere the birds are singing evermore.....


  2. And finished with...

    Think of your woods and orchards without birds!
    Of empty nests that cling to boughs and beams
    As in an idiot's brain remembered words
    Hang empty 'mid the cobwebs of his dreams!
    Will bleat of flocks or bellowing of herds
    Make up for the lost music, when your teams
    Drag home the stingy harvest, and no more
    The feathered gleaners follow to your door?

    Excerpt from: Tales Of A Wayside Inn
    Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

  3. Just love this photo of the magpie.
    Full of "SOUL"
    Katherine Trowbridge

    1. There is a saying Katherine, that they eyes are the windows to the soul!
      And what a beautiful eye this magpie has.
      Thank you............
      Cheers Gillian
