The Golden Hour ~ The Golden Rule ~ Silence is Golden
Our Photographic Workshop was conducted over a two weekend period, falling on Saturday 17th May 2014 (Day 1) and finishing up on Saturday 24th May 2014 (Day 2).
Colin and I gave our time gratis to The Willunga Environment Centre as they promote our photographic book "VIVONNE BAY BLUE" & DVD "Wings Above~Island Below".
We ventured out with an avid Nature Group of people from all different walks of life into the "Wilds" of the Aldinga Scrub Conservation Park, South Australia on day one of our Workshop, then off to Old Noarlunga, South Australia for the second one.
Off we set, me in the front and Colin coming up in the rear as the Aldinga Scrub Conservation Park can be quite daunting to the novice and sometimes also to the knowledgeable.
Single file along the Western Grey Kangaroo tracks was where we guided them, sometimes stopping just to gaze in wonder at the magnificent Resin the Wattle trees produce when under stress. We were fortunate to be able to show how the sun beams through the Resin creating amazing star bursts and equally amazing how Resin can actually resemble Nature itself.
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Resin from Wattle Trees |
As we wandered along, I mentioned to the group that they be watchful of Spider Webs as occasionally one does walk through a web and the thought of a Spider crawling in your hair or sitting quietly on your back does give rise to a little concern..!

Along the track we explored many beautiful dead and gnarly old gum trees, trees that at one time held the vast sand drifts together. The Coral Lichen was a rare sight and the Yacka's prevailed everywhere.
No Snake sightings, as there was a fair bit of gossip and noise along the way from the troops so this would have moved the snakes on fairly quickly...!
Bird sightings were not abundant as it really was a little too early in the afternoon but we assured the group that the Golden Hour would bring on a pleasant display.
Photography with Birds and Wildlife does require patience, also the need for silence is of paramount. It is very difficult when as I mentioned, we had people from all walks of life who were on board for very different reasons but at the end of the day we had made some firm friendships.
We moved on further now beginning to circle back to where we had begun but first we had to make a stop at Cliffs Waterhole where normally there are an abundant variety of Birds to be seen.
Pelicans, Ducks, and the Australian White Ibis were enjoying the Waterhole as now after the breaking rains it was again full. The Ibis were inquisitive to say the least, all the while watching us from high up on one of those very old gnarly dead gum trees.
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Australian White Ibis |
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Reflections |
The day was drawing to a close, the light was beginning to fade, the Dragonflies were making the most of it in the still waters, the reflections in the late afternoon were simply magical.
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Dragonflies |
The highlight of Day One were the Western Grey Kangaroos. It was now dusk, it was still and very calm and quiet, we had set out at 1.00pm that day and now all were quite weary, so we stopped a while and watched the Kangaroos waking up from their day of rest as the sun was beginning to go down. Some of us stood and some of us sat but everyone who had a camera was focussed on the Kangaroos...! They were giving us all a grand performance with most grazing on the grasses, some females were feeding their young Joeys who were out of the pouch but the amazing sight was all the boxing going on with the young males. A few older males were meaning business and laying down their territory but mostly it was a Boxing Kangaroo Session that stole the day.
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Western Grey Kangaroos |
The Golden Hour ~ The Golden Rule ~ Silence is Golden

As Colin and I ventured out for our second Bird & Wildlife Photography Workshop we realized that it should have been called a Nature Photographic Workshop. Our mostly budding and a couple of skilled photographers were photographing anything and everything that Mother Nature had created. We had had excellent feedback from the week prior that everyone had enjoyed themselves immensely so much so that they would like to form an ongoing photographic, walking and sometimes talking group but Silence really is Golden and necessary when photographing Birds and Wildlife.
The Golden Rule, is more a photographers code: Take Nothing and leave only Footprints, and The Golden Hour, photographing at Dawn and Dusk when most Wildlife is very active so patience is definitely a big plus...!
We met again this time at Old Noarlunga, South Australia and todays Workshop was indeed going to be very different. Today we were going to talk cameras and settings, what the group may have achieved from the week prior, walking around the delightful Old Noarlunga's Onkaparinga River banks and hoping to see a different variety of Birds and maybe the odd Koala or two.
We ventured across the sway bridge, it sways a little to some but when you are trying to take a photo from this bridge and someone is walking across it, it sways quite a lot and no amount of camera shake nor OS is going to stop vibration...... The reflections on this part of the Onkaparinga River are absolutely breathtaking and definitely worth a shot or six..!
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Sway bridge Reflections
We came across Ducks, little Grey Teals paddling in the reflection of the waters, it was a great chance to gain some beautiful photography if only for a colourful scene. There was a Darter sunning and drying itself off giving us all a grand display turning and twisting, rotating itself and showing off every angle of its body and wings. Photography was difficult with this bird as there were so many reflections from not only the bird, but the grasses that surrounded it as well.
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Australasian Darter (male) |
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Grey Teal (female) |
The Golden Hour was approaching and the birds were becoming more active, the Kookaburras were really laughing at us now and the Wood Ducks were waddling their way to the River....
The Nankeen Night Herons had been sleeping all day as they are night feeders, unlike most other birds that go to roost at night... We had managed to photograph them when we first arrived at Old Noarlunga, South Australia and for those in the Group who had not seen this species of bird before, well this was a real treat for them. The adult Nankeen Night Heron is a very striking bird and never have I seen one unclean before. They must preen themselves for hours as we did witness this prior to them leaving their daytime roost.
Well the time had come and the Golden Hour was upon us, some of the group had gone due to commitments elsewhere, a couple of others gave up as frustration had set in while waiting for Birds to appear but most stayed on patiently. We chatted about cameras and their settings, we chatted about further photographic workshops, one lady asked me if she could take me home with her and Colin, well he shared his wonderful knowledge about "WINE"....
To sum it all up Colin and I had a wonderful time with this enthusiastic group of budding, novices and skilled photographers. They learnt, we shared, they shared, we learnt..!
Thank you
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The Golden Hour |
EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 L IS USM
EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM
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